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Student Projects

This page contains both big and small projects from my time studying at both Futuregames and Mediagymnasiet.

Big Projects

Big Projects




System Designer


Narrative Designer

Fey Foray Backdrop

Gameplay Designer


Scrum Master

Fey Foray Logo
Unity Logo
Hand of Creation Backdrop

Gameplay Designer
Level Design

Blueprint Scripter

Hand of Creation Logo
Unreal Engine 4 Logo
Party? Party! Backdrop
Unreal Engine 4 Logo
Party? Party! Logo

Gameplay Designer

Blueprint Scripter

Town in Peril Backdrop
Town in Peril Logo

Gameplay Designer


2D Artist

GameMaker Studio 2 Logo
Smaller Projects

Smaller Projects

skylar & plux

Skylar & Plux Level

I've made a Skylar and Plux level that is bilinear with some diverging paths and nice vistas.


Creating a Feeling

I wanted to create a big level similar to the actual levels in the game and since we had access to the game project I felt like that was a perfect side project.
I wanted to create something that would fit the Skylar & Plux game, starting with deciding on the theme; "A mining town in need of saving".

Vistas and Pacing

The level is divided into three main areas;
"The town", "the mine" and "the slope".

Each area has one big vista, where the player will get a unique feeling. I also made it so that each area has a unique playstyle;

Town: Battle
Mine: Exploration
Slope: Speedy platforming
This division created more focused gameplay and made it easier to understand for the player.

Making A Bilinear Level

When set dressing the level I thought about how to make it inconspicuous for the player to traverse the level again. I hid certain areas so that they would only be visible when going backward.

The idea of a bilinear level came about when thinking about the story of the level. I wanted the level to be about a fetch quest that wouldn’t be about walking down the same path again.


The same rock, but from the opposite directions
revealing a new path

Additional paths

The 3D platformer genre is no stranger to additional paths and secrets, so I wanted to incorporate a side quest area in the level.

This gives the player more objectives to do without making them a side area after completing the game. The “deep mines” were designed for masters of the game to show off their skills.

Here is a playthrough of the level,
feel free to skip through it



I programmed a simple Text-based "Input-Output"-system with a lot of player freedom.



Team Size: 1

Time: about 2 weeks

Software: Raw C++

Role: Programmer, Writer

A simple structure

The Spork code is structured with 3 main areas of code:

1. The Room initializing code; writes the correct text for the room you are currently in.
2. The Input code; lets the player input whatever it wants.
3. The Input reading code; this code looks at the input from the player and updates the parameters of the game accordingly to that input.

And then it loops around with a "While"-loop. This simple structure made the game easy to code.

Going Deep into the Mind

Creating Spork was fun because it taught me how to really understand how a player will think when playing. I had to think about what the player might want to do and let them do as much as possible by finding fun scenarios.

To create a fun play area I mapped it out on paper, put down what I wanted in each room and to make it a little more fun for the people exploring I made some hidden commands as well.


3D Dolphin

I created a 3D dolphin that taught me the intricacies of creating things in 3D.


Creating from Scratch

This was my first time doing anything in 3D, so it was a bit intimidating with all the different tools. But as time went on I got pretty confident with some tools when modeling the dolphin.

This experience has given me a lot of appreciation for how much effort needs to be put into the creation of 3D assets and I feel that it has given me a better understanding of game production as a whole.


Adding texture and Animation

After the model was done I then put on a texture. I overlooked it in photoshop and then imported it.

I also tried to create a simple swimming animation for it to give it a bit more life, doing it with two different techniques.

And a lot more!

If you are still interested in more then I would recommend checking out my showreel I created when I was just finishing up Futuregames.

Or take a look at my page if you want to play any of the games!

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